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Cut Your Loan In Half (Almost): The Ultimate Guide To Refinancing Your Personal Loan

Itishree Parmar
October 2, 2023
How To Refinance A Personal Loan: Step-By-Step Guide

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Let’s be honest, life throws financial curveballs our way all the time. Whether it’s a surprise medical bill, a car on its last legs, or that dream vacation you finally decided to book, personal loans can be a lifesaver. But let’s face it, those monthly payments can start feeling like a giant weight on your shoulders, leaving you muttering “payday can’t come soon enough” under your breath.

There’s good news, though! You might be able to ditch that feeling forever with a financial strategy called personal loan refinancing. It’s like hitting the reset button on your loan, potentially snagging a lower interest rate and slashing your monthly payments in half (well, almost!).

Think of it like this: imagine that loan payment is a heavy backpack you carry everywhere. Refinancing can be like finding a lighter, more comfortable backpack – you’re still carrying things, but it’s a lot easier to manage.

This guide dives deep into the world of personal loan refinancing, giving you all the information you need to decide if it’s the right move for you. 

What Is Personal Loan Refinancing?

In simpler terms, refinancing a personal loan is like taking out a new loan with a better interest rate to pay off your existing loan. This new loan can have a longer or shorter term, depending on your goals (more on that later).

Imagine you borrowed $10,000 for a home improvement project with a 10% interest rate and a 3-year repayment term. That means your monthly payment is around $357. However, a year later, your credit score has improved significantly. With refinancing, you could potentially qualify for a new loan with a lower interest rate, say 6%, and a 4-year term. This could bring your monthly payment down to around $272.

Why Refinance? The Benefits Of A Lighter Loan

There are several compelling reasons to consider refinancing your personal loan:-

1. Lower Monthly Payments: This is the biggest perk! A lower interest rate translates to a lower monthly payment, freeing up some cash flow for other important things. Think about finally building that emergency fund, taking a well-deserved vacation, or putting more money towards debt repayment.

2. Save Money in the Long Run: With a lower interest rate, less money goes towards interest and more goes towards paying off the actual loan amount. It’s like finding a hidden treasure chest in your attic – a happy surprise that boosts your savings significantly.

3. Consolidate Debt: Do you have multiple high-interest loans weighing you down? Refinancing can be a great way to consolidate them into one loan with a potentially lower interest rate, simplifying your repayment process and potentially saving you money.

4. Improve Your Loan Terms: Maybe you want to extend your loan term to lower your monthly payment or shorten it to pay it off faster. Refinancing can give you the flexibility to adjust the terms to better fit your current financial situation.

Before You Dive In: Things To Consider

While refinancing offers many advantages, there are also some things to keep in mind:-

1. Upfront Costs: There might be origination fees or application fees associated with the new loan. Factor these in to make sure the long-term savings outweigh the upfront costs.

2. Extending Your Loan Term: A lower monthly payment is tempting, but if you extend the loan term, you might end up paying more interest overall. Make sure you understand the trade-off between a lower payment and the total interest paid.

3. Credit Score Impact: There’s a slight dip in your credit score every time you apply for a new loan, including refinancing. However, the potential benefits of a lower interest rate usually outweigh this temporary dip.

How To Compare Personal Loan Refinancing Options?

Now that you understand the basics, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: how to find the best refinancing deal for you. Here’s a roadmap to follow:-

1. Shop Around: Don’t settle for the first offer you get! Just like any savvy shopper wouldn’t buy the first pair of shoes they see, compare rates and terms from multiple lenders. This includes banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Here are some key factors to consider when comparing options:-

  • Interest Rate: This is the big kahuna! The lower the interest rate, the lower your monthly payment and the more you save overall.
  • Loan Terms: Look at the repayment term (how long you have to repay the loan) and see if it aligns with your goals. Do you want a lower monthly payment (longer term) or to pay off the loan faster (shorter term)?
  • Fees: There might be origination fees, application fees, prepayment penalties (if you want to pay off the loan early), and late payment fees. Ask lenders for a breakdown of all potential fees.
  • Minimum Loan Amount: Some lenders have minimum loan amounts they’re willing to refinance. Make sure the lender you choose can handle the amount of your existing loan.
  • Customer Service Reputation: Read online reviews and check with consumer protection agencies to see how the lender treats its customers.

2. Utilize Online Resources: Several online resources can help you compare personal loan refinancing options. These platforms allow you to pre-qualify for loans with a soft credit check (which doesn’t hurt your credit score) and give you an idea of the rates you might qualify for.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate: Once you have a few offers in hand, you can use them to negotiate a better rate with your preferred lender. Let them know you’re considering other options and see if they can match or beat the best offer you received.

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How To Refinance A Personal Loan (Step-By-Step Guide)

Once you’ve chosen the lender that offers the best deal for you, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to refinance your personal loan:-

1. Gather Your Documents: You’ll typically need proof of income (paystubs, tax returns), bank statements, and a copy of your existing loan statement.

2. Apply for the New Loan: Fill out the online application form with the chosen lender. This may involve a hard credit check, which can slightly lower your credit score for a short period.

3. Get Approved and Review the Loan Offer: The lender will review your application and creditworthiness and  present you with a loan offer.  Carefully read the terms and conditions, including the interest rate, loan amount, repayment term, and any associated fees.  Make sure everything aligns with what you discussed during the pre-approval process.

4. Sign the Loan Documents: Once you’re happy with the terms, it’s time to sign the loan documents electronically or by mail.

5. The Lender Pays Off Your Old Loan: The new lender will typically send the funds directly to your existing lender to pay off the old loan in full. This can take a few business days.

6. Start Making Payments on Your New Loan: Congratulations! You’ve successfully refinanced your personal loan. Now you’ll start making monthly payments on the new loan with (hopefully) a lower interest rate and potentially better terms.

Bonus Tip: Once you’ve refinanced your loan, use the extra cash flow you free up to build your emergency savings, pay off other debts, or invest in your future.

When It’s A Good Idea To Refinance A Personal Loan

Refinancing your personal loan can be a smart financial move in several situations:-

  • Your Credit Score Has Improved: Since interest rates are often tied to creditworthiness, if your credit score has significantly improved since you took out your original loan, you might qualify for a much lower interest rate with refinancing.
  • Current Interest Rate is High: If you’re stuck with a high-interest personal loan, refinancing can significantly reduce your monthly payment and save you money in the long run.
  • You Want to Consolidate Debt:  Do you have multiple high-interest debts weighing you down? Refinancing can be a great way to combine them into one personal loan with a potentially lower interest rate, simplifying your repayment process.
  • You Want to Adjust Your Loan Terms:  Maybe you want to extend your loan term to lower your monthly payment or shorten it to be debt-free faster. Refinancing can give you the flexibility to adjust the terms to better fit your current financial goals.

When Not To Refinance A Personal Loan

While refinancing can be a powerful tool, it’s not always the right move. Here are some situations where you might want to hold off:-

  • Your Credit Score is Low: If your credit score hasn’t improved since you took out your original loan, you might not qualify for a significantly lower interest rate with refinancing.
  • You Have a Short Time Left on Your Current Loan: If you’re nearing the end of your repayment term on your existing loan, the benefits of refinancing might be minimal.
  • You’re Not Sure About Your Financial Future: Refinancing can extend your loan term, which can mean paying more interest in the long run. If you’re unsure about your future income stability, refinancing might not be the best option.
  • High Upfront Costs:  Some lenders have origination fees and other upfront costs associated with refinancing. Make sure the long-term savings outweigh these costs before moving forward.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Refinancing A Personal Loan


  • Lower monthly payments.
  • Save money on interest in the long run.
  • Consolidate debt.
  • Potentially shorten or lengthen your loan term to fit your goals.


  • Upfront costs associated with the new loan.
  • Extending your loan term can mean paying more interest overall.
  • Temporary dip in your credit score due to hard credit inquiries.
  • May not be beneficial if your credit score hasn’t improved or you have a short time left on your current loan.

How To Choose The Best Personal Loan Refinancing Lenders?

Finding the right lender for your personal loan refinancing needs is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating potential lenders:-

  • Transparency and Fees: Transparency is key! Choose a lender that clearly discloses all loan terms, fees, and interest rates upfront. Avoid lenders with hidden fees or complicated terms.
  • Minimum Loan Amounts: Some lenders have minimum loan amounts they’re willing to refinance. Make sure the lender you choose can handle the amount of your existing loan.
  • Customer Service Reputation:  Research the lender’s customer service reputation. Look for positive online reviews and check with consumer protection agencies to see how the lender treats its customers.
  • Online Application Process:  A smooth and user-friendly online application process can save you time and frustration.
  • Pre-qualification Options: Look for lenders that offer pre-qualification with a soft credit check. This allows you to see the rates you might qualify for without impacting your credit score.

5 Best Lenders To Refinance Your Personal Loan In 2024

1. LightstreamFor The Fastest Funding

  • APR: 6.99% – 25.49% (with AutoPay)
  • Loan Terms: 24 – 84 months
  • Loan Amount: $5,000 – $100,000
  • Minimum Credit Score: 660
  • Fees: No origination fees, prepayment penalties, or late payment fees (after grace period).

Pros: Highly competitive rates, fast funding (potentially same-day), no origination fees, flexible loan terms.

Cons: Higher minimum loan amount, no pre-qualification option, requires strong credit score.

2. SoFiFor The Most Competitive Rates

  • APR: 8.99% – 29.99%
  • Loan Terms: 24- 84 months
  • Loan Amount: $5,000 – $100,000
  • Minimum Credit Score: 660
  • Fees: Potential origination fee (varies), no prepayment penalty.

Pros: Competitive rates, potential career coaching and member benefits, flexible loan terms, option for co-signer.

Cons: Membership benefits may not be relevant for everyone, origination fees may apply, and require good to excellent credit.

3. PenFed Credit UnionFor Those Seeking Credit Union Benefits

  • APR: 8.99% – 17.99%
  • Loan Terms: 12 – 60 months
  • Loan Amount: $6,000 – $50,000
  • Minimum Credit Score: 760 (may vary based on loan purpose).
  • Fees: Potential origination fee (varies), no prepayment penalty.

Pros: Competitive rates for credit union members, potential membership benefits, various loan terms.

Cons: Membership required (may involve fees), origination fees may apply, lower maximum loan amount compared to some lenders.

4. UpstartFor Those With Limited Credit History

  • APR: 8.49% – 35.99% (with discounts)
  • Loan Terms: 24 to 84 months
  • Loan Amount: $1,000 – $50,000
  • Minimum Credit Score: None advertised (considers alternative data).
  • Fees: Potential origination fee (varies), late payment fees may apply.

Pros: Considers alternative data for creditworthiness (good for those with limited credit history), lower minimum loan amount, good option for those with fair or no credit score.

Cons: Potentially higher interest rates compared to traditional lenders, origination fees may apply, shorter loan terms compared to some lenders.

5. Discover Personal LoansFor Those With A Fair Credit Score

  • APR: 7.99% – 24.99%
  • Loan Terms: 36 – 84 months
  • Loan Amount: $2,500 – $40,000
  • Minimum Credit Score: 720
  • Fees: Potential origination fee (varies), no prepayment penalty.

Pros: Pre-qualification option with a soft credit check, various loan terms, good option for fair credit borrowers.

Cons: Origination fees may apply, lower maximum loan amount compared to some lenders.

The Takeaway

Refinancing a personal loan can be a strategic move to save money on interest and improve your financial situation. By understanding the process, comparing options, and carefully considering the pros and cons, you can decide if refinancing is the right decision for you. Remember, the key is to shop around, negotiate, and choose a lender that offers a competitive rate and transparent terms. With a little effort, you can potentially cut your loan payment in half (almost) and breathe a sigh of relief!


Yes, a personal loan can be refinanced. Refinancing involves taking out a new loan to pay off the existing one, often to secure a lower interest rate or better terms.

Refinancing a loan can temporarily impact your credit score. The credit inquiry and the new account can cause a slight dip initially, but regular, on-time payments can help improve your score over time.

It depends on your situation. Refinancing is best if you can get a lower interest rate on your existing loan. A personal loan might be better if you need additional funds or different loan terms.

Yes, most loans, including personal, auto, and mortgages, can be refinanced. The goal is usually to obtain better interest rates or repayment terms, improving your overall financial situation.

Itishree is a passionate creative writer who has developed a keen interest in personal finance through her own experiences with financial challenges. Through her engaging storytelling, she empowers others to embark on their journey to financial freedom. With her expertise in making and saving money, she is dedicated to exploring innovative strategies to increase income and save effectively. Her love for continuous learning fuels her pursuit of knowledge, as she immerses herself in thought-provoking books to gain fresh insights, which she eagerly shares with others.

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