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Earn Money While Sleeping: Cracked

Itishree Parmar
April 21, 2023
Get Paid To Sleep: 14 Ways To Make Money While Sleeping

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Earning money while you sleep is the dream for many, and it’s not just a fantasy. With the right passive income opportunities, you can build a revenue stream that generates income even when you’re not actively working. This concept of earning money passively is appealing because it can lead to financial freedom and the ability to live life on your terms.

Before we jump into these opportunities, let’s remember that while passive income can provide a great supplement to your active income, it often requires an upfront investment of time, money, or both. However, once you’ve put in the initial effort, these streams can continue to earn you money with minimal ongoing work.

Understanding Passive Income

Passive income is money earned with minimal activity through any venture that requires little daily effort or upkeep on the individual’s part. Simply put, passive income streams allow you to earn money continuously for work that you did once.

The Appeal Of Financial Freedom

The main draw of passive income is the promise of financial freedom. The idea is to create enough income streams to cover living expenses and then some, giving you the ability to live life on your terms. Whether that means traveling the world, spending more time with family, or investing in personal hobbies, passive income can provide the means to do so without the constraint of a 9-to-5 job.

Residual v/s Active Income

It’s important to differentiate between residual income and active income. Residual income is money you continue to earn from work that has already been completed, such as royalties from a book or earnings from a rental property. Active income, on the other hand, is earned by trading your time for money, like a traditional job.

Passive Income Opportunities

Real estate is one of the most traditional forms of passive income. With the right property, you can earn consistent rental income that covers your mortgage and expenses, with extra cash left over each month. Consider these options:

1. Rental Properties

Owning rental properties can be a lucrative way to generate passive income. By renting out a house, apartment, or even a room on platforms like Airbnb, you can receive a steady stream of rental payments. Hiring a property management company can make this truly passive, as they’ll handle the day-to-day tasks of property management.

2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

If managing physical property doesn’t appeal to you, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) might be a better fit. REITs are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. Investing in a REIT is as simple as purchasing stocks, and you earn money through dividends and potential appreciation of the shares.

3. Dividend Stocks

Investing in dividend-paying stocks is another way to create a passive income stream. Some companies distribute a portion of their earnings to shareholders in the form of dividends. By building a diversified portfolio of dividend stocks, you can receive regular payments without having to sell your shares.


Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs) allow you to reinvest your dividends automatically to purchase more shares of the stock, potentially compounding your investment over time.

Sleep Junkie

Do you want to make up to $2k while sleeping? Sleep Junkie is looking for testers to try its sleeping products. This is a perfect opportunity if you struggle to sleep! Sleep Junkie is the company that pays you to sleep. 

Typically, this company focuses on sleep, providing reviews, guides, tips, and products to help you sleep better. They hire consumers to participate in research and provide feedback. You can do things like eating cheese before bed and make $1000. What a great opportunity for night owls?

Go to Sleep Junkie to participate in the program and earn income while sleeping.

Create Digital Products

The digital world offers numerous passive income opportunities. Here’s how you can capitalize on it:

4. E-books

Writing and publishing e-books on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing can provide a continuous income stream. Once your e-book is available online, anyone can purchase it, and you’ll earn royalties without any additional effort.

5. Online Courses

If you have expertise in a particular field, creating online courses can be a profitable venture. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable make it easy to host and sell your courses to a global audience.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other companies’ products and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral. You can incorporate affiliate links into your blog, social media, or email newsletters. The key is to build a large, engaged audience that trusts your recommendations.

7. Build An App

If you have a great idea for a mobile app, developing one can be a great source of passive income. Once your app is live on platforms like the Apple App Store or Google Play, you can earn money through app purchases, in-app advertising, or subscription models.

8. Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending platforms like Lending Club or Prosper allow you to lend money to individuals or small businesses online. You’ll receive interest payments, which can provide a steady income stream. However, keep in mind that this type of investment carries a risk of default.

9. Create A Blog Or YouTube Channel

Creating content online can lead to passive income through advertising revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. Whether you choose to write articles or produce videos, if your content gains enough popularity, it can be monetized.

SEO and Evergreen Content

Focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and creating evergreen content ensures that your work continues to attract viewers and generate income over time.

10. Automated Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where you don’t keep the products you sell in stock. Instead, when you sell a product, you purchase it from a third party and have it shipped directly to the customer. Automating the process can make it a passive income source.

License Your Photography or Art

If you’re a photographer or artist, you can license your work to stock photo websites, art galleries, or product companies. Every time someone uses your work, you earn a royalty fee.

11. Stock Photography

Websites like Shutterstock or Getty Images allow you to upload your photos and earn money whenever they’re downloaded or purchased.

12. Art Licensing

You can license your art for use on products like t-shirts, mugs, or greeting cards. Companies will pay you for the right to use your design.

Write A Blog or Book

This ties back to creating digital products but deserves its own mention. Writing a blog or a book can generate income long after the writing has finished. With a blog, you can earn through ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing. With a book, you can receive royalties for each copy sold.

13. Self-Publishing

Self-publishing platforms have made it easier than ever to publish your work and reach a global audience. With print-on-demand services, you can sell physical copies without the need for inventory.

14. Invest In A Business

Investing in a business as a silent partner allows you to earn income without the need to be involved in the day-to-day operations. You’ll need to choose a business that you trust and believe in, but with the right choice, you can receive a share of the profits.

Building Your Passive Income Strategy

Before diving into passive income, it’s important to have a strategy in place. This involves assessing your skills, interests, and financial situation.

(1) Assessing Your Skills and Interests

Choose passive income opportunities that align with your skills and interests. If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it’s more likely that you’ll be motivated to put in the initial work required to set up your income stream.

(2) Calculating Initial Investment

Some passive income ideas require an upfront investment, such as purchasing property or stocks. Calculate how much money you’re willing to invest and how long it will take to see a return on that investment.

(3) Diversification

Just as with any investment, diversification is key. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, spread your investments across different types of passive income streams to mitigate risk.

(4) Time Management

Building passive income streams often requires a significant time investment upfront. Manage your time wisely to ensure that you’re able to balance the setup of your passive income ventures with other responsibilities.

(5) Challenges of Passive Income

While passive income can be incredibly rewarding, it’s not without its challenges. Understanding these can help you better prepare and manage your expectations.

(6) It’s Not Entirely Hands-Off

Despite the name, passive income often requires some level of involvement, especially in the beginning. Whether it’s maintaining a rental property or updating an online course, some work will be necessary to keep the income flowing.

(7) There’s No Guarantee Of Success

Passive income opportunities are not a sure thing. There’s always a risk involved, and not all ventures will be successful. It’s important to do thorough research and be prepared for the possibility of failure.

(8) Patience Is Required

Building a significant passive income stream usually doesn’t happen overnight. It can take months or even years to start seeing substantial returns, so patience and persistence are essential.


Passive income isn’t a mythical concept; it’s a viable way to achieve financial freedom. While it does require effort, particularly in the early stages, the potential rewards are worth the investment. By identifying the right opportunities, strategically planning your approach, and learning from both successes and failures, you can build a passive income stream that earns you money while you sleep.

Remember, the key to passive income is to work smarter, not harder. By leveraging your skills, resources, and time, you can crack the code to earning money passively and take a significant step towards financial independence.


Yes, it’s possible! There are various gigs and opportunities that can earn you money while you sleep.

Earnings vary based on the gig and your level of engagement. Some gigs, like dropshipping, have the potential for significant income, while others might offer smaller amounts.

Not necessarily. Many of these gigs, like answering surveys or testing products, require no special skills. Others, like blogging or dropshipping, might require some learning but can be mastered over time.

While many of these gigs are legitimate and safe, it’s essential to research and be cautious. Some gigs might involve initial investments or time commitments.

Yes, many of these gigs can be done part-time or alongside a full-time job. It depends on your availability and the specific gig’s requirements.

Consider your skills, interests, and availability. Choose a gig that aligns with these factors and fits your lifestyle and goals.

Itishree is a passionate creative writer who has developed a keen interest in personal finance through her own experiences with financial challenges. Through her engaging storytelling, she empowers others to embark on their journey to financial freedom. With her expertise in making and saving money, she is dedicated to exploring innovative strategies to increase income and save effectively. Her love for continuous learning fuels her pursuit of knowledge, as she immerses herself in thought-provoking books to gain fresh insights, which she eagerly shares with others.

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