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21 Best Ways To Invest $100 To Make $1000 A Day In 2024

Kevin Mercadante
March 24, 2023
21 Best Ways To Invest $100 To Make $1000 A Day In 2024

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Invest $100, make $1000 a day – is that something that could help you and your family? If so, we’ve got 21 ways you can make it happen.

Each and every day you have a choice as to what you’ll do with the next $100: will you spend it, or will you invest it? If you spend it, it will be gone forever.

But if you invest it, it will grow steadily, giving you even more opportunities to invest ever larger amounts of money for you and your family, both now and in the future. 

Invest $100 To Make $1000 A Day – Is It Really Possible?

Investing $100 to make $1000 a day is admittedly difficult. But investing $100 now to begin the process that will eventually lead you to $1000 a day is definitely possible.

And this really is the key – getting started. The $100 you invest today may not get you $1000 tomorrow. But after enough days pass, you’ll eventually find your investment is providing increasingly larger returns.

One day you may well be making $1000 a day on your investments. And when you look back, you’ll remember it all began with that first investment of $100. That’s why it’s so important to begin, from right where you are now.

With that in mind, let’s get down to the reason you clicked on this blog.

21 Ways To Invest $100 To Make $1000 A Day 

1. Investing In Stocks And Bonds

There are times when someone invests $100 in a stock that rises to $1000. This is the kind of gain commonly referred to as a “10 bagger” – the stock rises to 10 times the purchase price. It’s not common, but it does happen.

If you’re just starting out with investing, you’ll want to be more conservative – at least until you learn how it works. One of the best ways to do this is by using robo-advisors. These are online, automated investment services that create a portfolio for you, then provide complete management at a very low fee.

You can typically open a robo-advisor account with no money, or at least very little. You’ll complete a brief questionnaire, then the service will create a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other investments, using what’s known as modern portfolio theory.

One of the best in the business is Betterment. They provide complete investment management for a very low annual fee. But if you prefer to choose your own investments – and get the benefit of automated investment management – M1 Finance is an excellent choice.

And don’t worry if you have no money to invest. There’s a robo-advisor, known as Acorns that not only provides complete investment management, but also helps you accumulate the money to invest.

They do this using a process called Round-Ups. You’ll connect your spending accounts to the Acorns app, and it will automatically round up purchases to the nearest whole dollar.

The difference between the amount withdrawn from your checking account or credit and the actual purchase price – the change – is invested in your Acorns account.

2. Invest In Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding focuses on investing in real estate. With a small amount of money, you can invest in a portfolio of commercial properties. That will include apartment complexes, office buildings, and retail space.

One of the best if you have an investment of $100 or less is Fundrise. In fact, you can open an account there with just $10. With a small investment, you can invest in a diversified portfolio of properties.

3. Cryptocurrency Investing

Many people are investing in cryptocurrency, and some have made fortunes doing it.

4. Invest In Small Business

Some of the best investments can be found right in your own neighborhood. By investing in small businesses with as little as $100, you can make those investments through Mainvest.

The site claims annual returns of between 10% and 25% paid out of a share of the business revenue. You can even invest in multiple businesses to diversify. 

5. Invest In Art

There’s a platform called Masterworks where you can invest in fine art. This is something of a secret investment. The rich have invested in fine art for centuries, and it’s been highly profitable.

With a small amount of money, you can purchase shares in high-value fine art. Using the share concept, you don’t need to take possession of the artwork, or spend the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars needed to buy it. 

6. Invest In Alternative Investments

Even in a good year, you can earn only so much in stocks and bonds. But a website called Yieldstreet will give you access to alternative investments, some of which can provide even higher returns.

More than 400,000 people are taking advantage of alternative investments on a platform. An example of the alternative assets they offer include:

Invest In Alternative Investments through Yieldstreet

WARNING: Don’t invest in alternative investments with money you can’t afford to lose. It’s a classic high return/high risk arrangement. 

7. Enroll In Your Employer’s 401(k) Plan

One of the very best ways to build wealth over the long-term is through an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Unfortunately, only 51% of employees participate in a plan, though 68% have one available.

A 401(k) plan is one of the most generous savings plans available. The IRS limit on 401(k) contributions is an incredible $22,500 for 2023! And if you’re 50 or older, it rises to $30,000.

Not only are both the contributions and the earnings on the account tax-deferred, but many employers provide a matching contribution. For example, if you contribute 10% of your salary to a plan, your employer may add another 5%.

You can take advantage of that plan if it’s available at work. 

8. Save Money On Shopping

Here’s an “investment” you can make with no money at all! You go shopping, right? If so, you can earn cash back while you do.

You can take advantage of a service like Rakuten, that offers cash back rewards at more than 3,500 stores across the country. That includes popular retailers, like Walmart, Macy’s, Target, and Old Navy. Rakuten has paid out over $2 billion to its users – you might want to become one of them!

Shop from over 15,000 online merchants like Macy's, Sephora, Gamestop and more.

9. Start Blogging

Is there a subject where you know more than the average person? If so, think about starting a blog about it. This is one of the best ways to invest very little money, but earn a lot. Thousands of bloggers are earning tens of thousands of dollars each year.

There are various ways to make money blogging, and it’s not as difficult to get started as you might think. You can set up a simple website throughWordPress, many of which you can get free of charge.

It’ll take a few months before the money starts rolling in, and a few years before you can expect big money. But you can do it, because other people are doing it already.

10. Become A Reseller

This is really one of the easiest ways to multiply a small amount of money into a large amount. You can buy used items for very little money, and sell them at huge profits.

Items can be purchased at garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets, and sold on platforms like eBay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist

11. Sell Used Technology

If you like the idea of reselling, and you know a good bit about technology, there’s a website called Decluttr that provides an online marketplace for gently used technology. This is an excellent way to purchase used tech hardware and sell it for several times what you paid for it. 

12. Build A Website To Sell A Product

Are there products you’re interested in selling? If so, this is one of the very best ways to get a big return on a small investment. And once you get your online store up and running, the money will just flow in.

You can get products to sell from sources like Alibaba, then begin selling them on platforms like Amazon FBA, who will do all the hard work for you. 

13. Create And Sell An Online Course

If you’re an expert in a topic, you can create a course that you can sell online. Websites like Kajabi, Teachable or Udemy can help you make it happen.

Once you create an online course, you can either sell it on your blog or website, or offer it on other websites through an affiliate program (see #14 below). 

14. Participate In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online. It may not require any investment at all. Basically, you can sell someone else’s products – or you can offer your own product to be sold by other websites and blogs – and you’ll make a commission on each sale.

There are literally dozens of affiliate programs for beginners and you can choose the ones that will work best for you.

This is another way you can earn income around-the-clock with very little effort on your part. 

15. Create YouTube Videos

This is very similar to blogging or building a website. You can make money on YouTube by creating your own videos, uploading them to the platform, then promoting them around the web.

Income will come from advertising on your video, including affiliate marketing, or even product sales if you have one to offer. In fact, YouTube is an excellent way to promote sales of an e-book or an online course.

Income will come from advertising on your video, including affiliate marketing, or even product sales if you have one to offer. In fact, YouTube is an excellent way to promote sales of an e-book or an online course.

Speaking of e-books… 

16. Write And Sell An E-Book

Once again, if you are knowledgeable in a topic, you can write an eBook and offer it for sale. It can be created and published on Amazon Kindle.

You can offer it for sale on your own website or blog, or set up an affiliate marketing program with other websites and blogs.

If so, you’ll pay those sites a commission on each sale, which will be their incentive to offer your e-book. 

17. Rent Out Your Property Through Vrbo And Airbnb

If you have a property located in a desirable tourist area, you can make thousands of dollars renting it out for short-term rentals. Airbnb and Vrbo make it easy.

Airbnb is an online marketplace for vacation rentals. They provide everything you need to rent out your property, including the ability to market it to prospective tenants.

Vrbo works much the same as Airbnb, acting as a marketplace for your property. For a small fee, they’ll handle the business side of the rental, and you’ll receive most of the rent generated by the transaction.

18. Rent Out Part Of Your Home Or Property

If you don’t have a vacation property, you can also rent out part of your home or property, and generate an income.

A website called Neighbor acts as an online marketplace for homeowners to rent out space in their homes or on their property. You can rent out a room, attic, basement space, your garage, or even a backyard shed for short-term rentals.

19. Rent Out Your Car – When You’re Not Using It

Believe it or not, it’s likely you use your car for only a small percentage of each day. But did you know you can earn extra income by renting your car out during those times when you’re not using it?

A website called Turo is an online marketplace matching people with cars to rent out, with customers looking to rent cars. As you can see from the screenshot below, this has the potential to become a full-time business, generating tens of thousands of dollars in income each year.

20. Start A Business

In a real way, starting a business is the very best investment you can make. Many businesses can be started on a shoestring then turned into huge money making opportunities.

One of the best ways to launch a business is by starting a side business. That is, you can start your business while you still hold your full-time job. As your side business grows, you can eventually quit your job and turn your business into your full-time occupation. 

21. Take A Career Course And Launch A New Career Or Business

Sometimes the best investment you can make with $100 is to invest in a course that will give you a new skill or career. You can do that on web platforms like Futurelearn or Coursera. The career course you take now could be turned into a side business that eventually becomes your new full-time career.

Think of it as investing in yourself – and what better person could you possibly invest in than you? 


You can try any one or several of the 21 ways to invest $100 and make $1000 a day that we’ve provided in this guide. We’ve purposely provided 20+ strategies so you can choose the one that will be the best fit for you.

In today’s world of online investing, $100 is actually more than enough to start investing. Many of the investments listed in this guide can be started with less than $100. Some require no money at all, but you will need to save up at least a little bit of money to begin investing.

Absolutely! The best way to do it is through one of the robo-advisors we’ve provided in Strategy #1 above, Investing in Stocks and Bonds. Any of the robo-advisors listed will be more than happy to have you open an account and begin investing with $100 or even much less.


Have you ever heard of the term carpe diem? It’s a Latin phrase that means seize the day. Today could be that day that you begin your investment journey. And it can all start with an investment of as little as $100, dedicated to any one of the 21 investments described in this guide.

Here at Penny Calling Penny, our investment blogs are only a part of our growing library. We’re dedicated to helping you learn to manage your money, no matter where you’re at on your financial journey. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you’ll never miss a Penny, and we’ll see you next time!

Kevin Mercadante
Since 2009, Kevin Mercadante has been sharing his journey from a washed-up mortgage loan officer emerging from the Financial Meltdown as a contract/self-employed “slash worker” – accountant/blogger/freelance web content writer – on Out of Your He offers career strategies, from dealing with under-employment to transitioning into self-employment, and provides “Alt-retirement strategies” for the vast majority who won’t retire to the beach as millionaires. He also frequently discusses the big-picture trends that are putting the squeeze on the bottom 90%, offering work-arounds and expense cutting tips to help readers carve out more money to save in their budgets – a.k.a., breaking the “savings barrier” and transitioning from debtor to saver. He’s a regular contributor/staff writer for as many as a dozen financial blogs and websites, including Money Under 30, Investor Junkie and The Dough Roller.

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