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Can You Really Make Money From Pinterest? Secret Hacked!

Itishree Parmar
July 7, 2024
How To Make Money On Pinterest In 2024?

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Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world, with over 450 million active users. Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest is ideal for businesses and individuals looking to make money online.

First things first: what is Pinterest? Well, it’s a social media platform where users can pin things they find interesting and share them with their friends. There are great features like “pinners of the day” and analytics, so you know how many people view your pins.

Now that we’ve established what Pinterest is, let’s get into the nitty-gritty… In this blog, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to make money on Pinterest.

10 Step Guide To Make Money On Pinterest In 2024

10 Step Guide To Make Money On Pinterest In 2023

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

When choosing your niche, it’s important to pick something you’re truly passionate about. 

For example, let’s say you’re a foodie who loves experimenting with new kitchen recipes. You could choose a niche like healthy eating, meal prep, or quick and easy recipes. By choosing a niche you’re passionate about, you can create content that truly resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

Step 2: Set Up Your Pinterest Account

Setting up your Pinterest account is a simple process, but it’s essential to get it right. 

First, create a business account and add your logo, description, and website link. This will help you establish your brand and increase your credibility. 

Next, create boards related to your niche and start pinning high-quality content. This will help you attract more followers and increase your reach.

Step 3: Create High-Quality Pins

Creating high-quality pins is key to attracting and engaging your audience. 

For example, you’re a fashion blogger who wants to promote a new outfit post. You could create a pin featuring an eye-catching image of the outfit, a clear description, and a catchy headline like “Get the Look: Spring Style Inspiration.” By creating visually appealing pins that provide value to your audience, you’ll be able to increase your engagement and drive more traffic to your website.

To make your pins visible to your audience, you need to optimize them for search. 

For example, you’re a beauty blogger who wants to promote a new skincare routine. Use relevant keywords in your pin description, like “skincare routine for dry skin” or “best moisturizers for sensitive skin.” By using keywords relevant to your niche, you can show up in search results and attract more viewers.

Step 5: Promote Your Pins

Promoting your pins is vital to increasing your reach and attracting more followers. 

For example, you could join group boards related to your niche, collaborate with other pinners, and engage with your audience. By promoting your pins consistently, you’ll be able to attract more viewers and increase your engagement.

Step 6: Use Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money on Pinterest.

For example, you’re a travel blogger who wants to promote a new hotel chain. You could affiliate with the hotel chain and promote their properties on your Pinterest account. When someone books a stay through your unique affiliate link, you’ll earn a commission on the sale. By using affiliate marketing, you can earn money while promoting products relevant to your niche.

Step 7: Create Sponsored Content

Creating sponsored content is another excellent way to make money on Pinterest. 

For example, you’re a home decor blogger who wants to promote a new furniture line. You could partner with the furniture company and create a sponsored post featuring their products. In exchange, you’ll receive payment or free products. By creating sponsored content relevant to your niche, you can earn money while promoting products you believe in.

Step 8: Sell Your Products

If you have your products to sell, Pinterest is a great platform to showcase them. 

For example, you’re an artist who sells handmade pottery. You could create pins featuring your pottery and link them to your online store. By promoting your products on Pinterest, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and increase your sales.

Step 9: Create and Sell Printables

Creating and selling printables is a popular way to make money on Pinterest, especially for those who have design skills. Printables are digital files that can be downloaded and printed by the buyer.

For example, let’s say you’re a graphic designer who specializes in creating printable planners. You could create pins featuring your planners and link them to your online store. By promoting your printables on Pinterest, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and increase your sales. Some popular types of printables include calendars, to-do lists, and worksheets.

Step 10: Offer Services

If you offer a service, Pinterest can be a great platform to promote it. 

For example, let’s say you’re a freelance writer who offers copywriting services. You could create pins featuring your writing portfolio and link them to your website. By promoting your services on Pinterest, you’ll be able to attract new clients and increase your revenue. Other services that can be promoted on Pinterest include graphic design, social media management, and photography.

Remember To Measure Your Results

Measuring your results is an important step in any Pinterest strategy. By tracking your analytics, you’ll see what’s working and what’s not. 

For example, you could use Pinterest Analytics to track your monthly viewers, engagement, and click-through rates. This will help you understand what type of content resonates with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. You could also use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic and see how many conversions you get from Pinterest. You can optimize your strategy and increase your revenue over time by measuring your results.

Feeling stuck in a Pinterest rut? We’ve all been there. But fear not, fellow Pinheads! Let’s get inspired by these amazing creators:-

(1) Kat Eats (katheats) This foodie extraordinaire isn’t just about aesthetics. Kat Eats goes beyond stunning food photos, offering clear, step-by-step instructions. This makes her boards perfect for recreating those mouthwatering dishes at home, even for beginner cooks. Plus, she often highlights healthy recipe variations, catering to a variety of dietary needs.

(2) Wanderlust Wayfarer (wanderherway) Wanderlust Wayfarer isn’t just showcasing picture-perfect travel destinations. They delve deeper, offering insights and tips for budget-conscious travelers. Think hidden gem hostels, local transportation recommendations, and even suggestions for capturing those envy-inducing travel photos you see on their boards.

So, how do these influencers curate such captivating boards?

Sophia Lee, a Pinterest expert, shares her expertise in her comprehensive course. Here’s what you can expect:-

  • Content Curation Like A Pro: Learn the art of finding high-quality pins that resonate with your target audience. Sophia dives into keyword research, SEO optimization for Pinterest, and identifying trending topics.
  • Engagement Strategies To Skyrocket Your Reach: No more crickets on your boards! Discover effective ways to interact with other Pinners, participate in relevant group boards, and run successful contests and giveaways to boost your followers and engagement.
  • Data-Driven Decisions With Pinterest Analytics: The numbers don’t lie! Learn how to analyze your Pinterest data to understand what types of pins resonate with your audience and which strategies are driving the most traffic. Use this knowledge to continuously optimize your content and refine your approach.

Beyond Inspiration

While influencer inspiration is invaluable, remember, authenticity is key. Here are some additional tips to cultivate a thriving Pinterest presence:-

  • Craft A Unique Voice: Don’t just copy others. Infuse your boards with your personality and interests. What are you passionate about? Let it shine through in your pins and descriptions.
  • Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality pins with stunning visuals and informative captions. Churning out low-effort content won’t get you far.
  • Consistency Is Key: Regularly update your boards with fresh pins. This keeps your audience engaged and shows them you’re actively managing your profile.


In conclusion, Pinterest offers a variety of ways to make money, from affiliate marketing to selling your products or driving traffic to your/clients’ websites/blogs. You can attract a loyal following and increase your revenue by choosing a niche you’re passionate about, creating high-quality pins, and promoting your content consistently. 

Whether you’re a blogger, designer, or freelancer, there are plenty of opportunities to make money on Pinterest. Just remember to measure your results and adjust your strategy as needed.


Yes, you can earn money from Pinterest through affiliate marketing, sponsored pins, selling products, and driving traffic to monetized blogs or websites.

Share affiliate links, partner with brands for sponsored content, showcase and sell your products, drive traffic to your blog or website, sell digital products, and market your freelance or consulting services.

Optimize your profile, create high-quality pins with relevant keywords, engage with the community, pin consistently, use Pinterest Analytics, enable Rich Pins, and promote your pins with ads.

Add affiliate links to your pins, drive traffic to monetized platforms, sell products through your pins, promote educational content, and create sponsored content with brand partnerships.

Itishree is a passionate creative writer who has developed a keen interest in personal finance through her own experiences with financial challenges. Through her engaging storytelling, she empowers others to embark on their journey to financial freedom. With her expertise in making and saving money, she is dedicated to exploring innovative strategies to increase income and save effectively. Her love for continuous learning fuels her pursuit of knowledge, as she immerses herself in thought-provoking books to gain fresh insights, which she eagerly shares with others.

Your Financial Success Starts Here

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